Lab 2: Move it or Lose it: Graded Motor Imagery, Neurodynamics, and Mindful Movement - Align Conference

Lab 2: Move it or Lose it: Graded Motor Imagery, Neurodynamics, and Mindful Movement

Movement is key to life and foundational in treating painful conditions. Helping patients move when movement hurts is often a challenge for clinicians. This lab will explore various movement treatment techniques that can be used and discuss the proper implementation of each. The primary goal of this session is to explore how an individual with a sensitized nervous system can be treated from a pain science movement perspective through imagined movement, sensory discrimination of movement, passive neurodynamic movement, and active mindful movement.

Kory Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD

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Mai Huong Ho-Tran PT, DPT, Fellow of Pain Science

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Stephen Schmidt, PT, M.Physio, OCS, FAAOMPT

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Louie Puentedura, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT, CSMT, TPS

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