Lab 4: Motivational Interviewing and the Challenging Patient - Align Conference

Lab 4: Motivational Interviewing and the Challenging Patient

This integrative lab session is a must for all clinicians encountering challenging patients. This lab will show how motivational interviewing (MI) fits well within rehabilitation practice and is a powerful strategy to influence a client’s recovery. This session will allow clinicians to develop a working knowledge of MI, apply principles for MI, and recognize how MI can be blended into typical therapy sessions. Concepts such as OARS, reflective listening, partnership, acceptance, compassion, evocation and more will be discussed, practiced, and wrapped into therapeutic approaches such as pain neuroscience education, acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

A.J. Steele, PsyD, LCADC, TPS

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Jen Uschold, PT, CFMT, TPS, NBC-HWC

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