Hands-On Lab Sessions at Align Conference - Align Conference

Hands-On Lab Sessions at Align Conference

The best part of being back in person for this year’s Align Conference (besides seeing everyone!) is offering hands-on lab sessions. You’ll have three opportunities throughout the weekend to attend labs from a variety of topics to sharpen your hands-on skills. Lab sessions have limited space, so register early to have a better chance of getting into your first choices.


Align Conference Lab Schedule

  • Friday, August 26 – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Friday, August 26 – 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Sunday August 28 – 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.


Align Conference Lab Session Descriptions

Cervical Thoracic Thrust Joint Manipulation
Instructor: Louie Puentedura, PT, DPT, PHD, OCS, FAAOMPT, CSMT, TPS

This 4–hour lab session will focus on the safe and effective use of thrust joint manipulation in the treatment of people with upper back pain, neck pain and headaches.


The Right Tool for the Right Job:  Targeted Techniques for Testing and Treating People with Pain
Instructors: Steve Schmidt, PT, M.Physio, OCS, FAAOMPT and Kory Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD

In this lab session, participants will learn to test and treat a sensitive peripheral nervous system via neurodynamic techniques, as well as a sensitized central nervous system via graded motor imagery.


Finding Functional Dry Needling®
Instructor: Edo Zylstra, PT, DPT, OCS

This session is an introductory session to Functional Dry Needling®. What is it? Who needs it? Why? Finding Functional Dry Needling® (FDN) introduces participants to tools which can elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. We will discuss safety and precaution, clinical application, and history of dry needling. This lab will demonstrate various dry needling techniques, and why you should explore FDN.


Current Concepts in Functional Dry Needling®

In this session we will explore the addition of electrical stimulation to dry needling treatments to really power-up your effectiveness. During this time, we will explore current trends in FDN diagnosis and treatment, needling techniques, and education in contraindications, precautions, and possible complications of dry needling. This is an advanced lab for those with experience and prior coursework in dry needling.


Clinical Reasoning and Examination of the Cervical Spine
Instructor: Mark Jones, PT, Sr. Lecturer at UniSA

The purpose of physiotherapy examination and analysis is to understand the person, their context, and their clinical problems to guide evidence-informed practice. Since clinical reasoning is only as good as the data or information on which it is based, it is important our physical examination is both thorough and accurate. This 4-hour breakout session will focus on select cervical spine physical examination and treatment skills linked to clinical reasoning regarding problem classification, precautions, judging significance, treatment selection and progression.


Shoulder Examination Techniques: Emphasis on Special Testing and Upper Extremity Functional Testing
Instructor: Rob Manske, PT, DPT, MPT, MEd, SCS, ATC, CSCS

This session will include a brief discussion of special testing procedures and functional testing methods for the upper extremities. The discussion will be followed by an extensive lab session on an upper extremity special testing algorithm along with an upper extremity functional testing sequence that will help determine a patient’s ability to return to higher level functional activities. After the tests, Rob Manske will present case studies that will help solidify the information and help you apply the upper extremity tests in your clinic.


Move Well and OPTIMIZE Always
Instructors: Teresa Schumann, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS, SCS; Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT, CEEAA, GCS; Jenn Stone, PT, DPT, OCS, PHC

The power of a person comes not from without, but from within. The core is an often-overlooked component when managing lower extremity dysfunction or providing performance optimization but is the foundation on which the legs function. This inter-regional dependence model is used with athletes and individuals with symptomatic pathologies but is rarely integrated into practice beyond these two dichotomies. This 4-hour session will address essential screening, management, and performance optimization for athletes across the life span, incorporation strategies that are appropriate for all ages.  Multiple lab stations related to topics essential for evidence-informed practice will be incorporated, allowing learners to “choose their own adventure” though these stations include screening via the Senior Athlete Fitness Examination, the LE FMS, SFMA; movement analysis of the hip hinge and squat, rolling, and floor transfers; and interventions including high intensity interval training, strength training, and plyometrics. Each station will focus on a different element of clinical management and encourage clinicians to treat every patient like an athlete to optimize their quality of life and enhance their clinical outcomes. Participants will learn to incorporate a whole person, motor control-based approach to optimizing movement for sport and life with patients across the life span.


We can’t wait to get back to hands-on learning with you! Register early for the best price and to secure a spot in your first-choice lab sessions.